After-Hours Call Service
PA Retina Specialists uses an after-hours call service called Connect On Call. This service allows our doctors to have HIPAA-secure access to your medical information which will enhance their ability to care for you when the office is closed.
Connect On Call is an automated service that will allow you to leave urgent or non-urgent messages for the office by dialing our regular office number.
- Urgent messages will be sent directly to the on-call doctor who will listen to your message and return your call.
- Non-urgent messages will be reviewed by our office staff on the next business day.
When you call us after hours, you will hear the following message. Please follow the prompts and provide the system with as much information as possible to expedite your call.
“Hello, you have reached Pennsylvania Retina Specialists after normal business hours. If this is a medical emergency, please hang up and call 911. If you are calling about a routine matter, such as a prescription refill or an appointment change, please follow the instructions to leave a non-urgent message for the office, or call back Monday-Friday between 8 am – 5 pm.
If you need to reach the on-call doctor for an urgent issue, the doctor needs your call back number in order to return your call. Please follow the instructions given next.”
If any of our offices will be closed or delayed due to weather or unforeseen circumstances, the Connect On Call message will give you up-to-date information regarding the change.