Your Laser Visit
We at PRS understand that your laser visit may be stressful. Our staff strives to make this difficult time as comfortable as possible. On the day of your laser procedure, you will have your vision checked and your eye dilated. That eye will then be carefully anesthetized with medications. Your retina specialist will then look at your eye, identify the eye to be treated and then perform the laser procedure. The procedure can last between 5 minutes to 20 minutes, depending on the type of laser recommended. Your eye may be patched upon completion of the procedure. It may be helpful to have someone with you that day.
When you get home, your eye that was treated may become slightly irritated and sore, or you may develop a mild headache. Your doctor may advise you to take over-the-counter analgesics (such as Tylenol or Advil). Using artificial tears or compresses may also help. Any significant pain that is not relieved by the aforementioned treatments, or any loss of vision should prompt you to give our office a call.